Hamilton High Homecoming Festivities

Hamilton High School had its homecoming festivities on October 28 and 29. For the entire week leading up to the game, students were encouraged to participate in various dress up days, ending the week in Blue and White Day to celebrate the homecoming game. 

Hamilton hosted Upland Christian for their homecoming football game. With a real nail-bitter the Bobcats came out on top with the final score 13-12. Craig Miller, Athletic Director, said, “The athletes truly played with a lot of emotion and were not going to be denied the win.” He continued to say that the win set the tone for the Homecoming Dance, making it an even more fun and enjoyable time for students. 

On Saturday, approximately 130 students attended the “Under the Stars – A Night in Paris” themed Homecoming dance. Thanks to the Associated Student Body (ASB) and staff, the dance was a big hit! Students said they truly enjoyed the event and the decorations. “With this being my last year, I was so glad that Homecoming was so memorable!” said senior Madison Gervais. The student body selected Hale Castorena and Randi Nuanes as the Homecoming King and Queen. 

Congratulations to the ASB and staff for creating such a wonderful event, and congratulations to the Bobcats for winning their Homecoming game!
