
Vision Statement

o promote the least restrictive environment for all students. Resources available in the Study Skills/RSP/SDC classrooms will assist all students regardless of capabilities. This year, we will be virtual, and most resource students will be in core classes with expert teachers, but aided by special education staff as they work towards proficiency at grade level standards. 
Thanks to Mrs. Langill, Mrs. Perluss, Ms. Jenny

Resource and SDC, what is the difference?

Resource may pull the students out for one or two classes, usually English and/or Math. SDC, or special day class, may pull the student out for more core classes. These programs target students with specific learning disabilities. Goals are created by an IEP team to address the student's deficits. The students will be working on these gaps in their education while learning the content necessary to pass their classes. They will also need to earn the 220 credits necessary for graduation and have a 2.0 or better GPA.
We are fortunate at Hamilton to have fantastic general education teachers that will work with the special education staff and do what is best for each student. There is constant collaboration between the general education teachers, special education teachers and our amazing aides.

Visit the Learning Disabilities of America website for information for parents of students with learning disabilities. This site has information on ADD, ADHD Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and other common learning disabilities. It also explains IEP's and how to deal with the schools and teachers of your students.