Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Hello Hamilton Bobcat Families,
Dear Hamilton High Bobcat Families,
As your proud principal, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome back to each and every one of you. As we eagerly prepare to begin the school year on August 13th, I am filled with excitement and joy to embark on this journey of learning and growth with you.
To our incredible students, I cannot wait to see you all! I hope that you are excited for the coming school year and all the great things that will take place! Our goals this year are to improve our Lexile (literacy) scores, improve our attendance rates, and to decrease the number of behaviors resulting in school suspensions. I know that you are the right young people to help us accomplish our goals and I look forward to your input and efforts as we rise together. Remember that our staff is here to support you!
I believe wholeheartedly that every student deserves a quality education and that only happens when we all work together for the best interests of our children. With that in mind, please know that I wholeheartedly welcome your conversations and feedback throughout the year and encourage you to reach out to Samantha Peters, our Office Manager to schedule a meeting with me. Much of my time is spent out in classrooms and on campus promoting a safe and welcoming environment with high quality instruction, therefore scheduled appointments are the best way for me to meet with you and give you the focus and time that you deserve.
In closing, listed below are some key pieces of information for you and your family. Please carefully review each item so that you can be well-prepared for the start of the school year.

Mrs. Sanchez
Hamilton High School